Weird Fun Facts About You
What is something odd about you? Share with the group one (or two or three) bizarre facts about yourself.
1. I collect (unused) airline barf bags. (I have Continental, United, Ryan's Int'l, and Austrian Airlines so far.)
2. I would've rillly rilly loved to be a pro figure skater.
3. I can control my dreams. (sleeping dreams, that is)
1) concerning the weirdness of dreams - I have had many dreams (in bed asleep type also) that have come to happen or be true later. EX. I dreamed about Jenna's birth before it happened and actually woke up to tell Mindy to remember this in case it happens.
2) I like to mix drinks - not like the alcoholic type, but just about any juice is fair game to get mixed with either a soda or other non related beverage.
3) When I am in a somewhat hyper mood and around the right people, I will make a noise something like what Adam Sandler does in waterboy as he tackles "Colonel Sanders" his teacher. My noise is more of a quick blast though rather than a long sound until impact.
1) I like to put a shot of orange soda in my Pepsi.
2)I like to talk in gibberish and make people think I am talking fluently in another language.
Overall, I am just weird and hopefully fun.
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