Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I think these guys would rate under all of the criteria for this site

I am also currently reading a book by David Crowder that is very different, but I feel very good.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I bet my Grandpa could have beat this dude


Guiness makes this a proud proud day.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Can I get one of these installed permanently?

You will have to check this out.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

No one ever has a greater day than that of their own funeral

Have you ever noticed that no matter the person, generally, everybody gets a great send off into eternity. I mean you could have been a real jerk and people still come around this event and say great things about you. The exception is of course the murderer, rapist, etc. But even then there is still family that look on the brighter side if there is one. I struggle with this because I have been to funerals where all these great things have been said about a person and then the real story comes out later over the potato salad at the dinner that has been so nicely prepared in their honor. Just seems weird to me. Any thoughts?